Sunday, February 03, 2008

Hiding Part II

So I said that I liked hiding, then when I'm done hiding and I come out and see what has happened whilst I was hiding, I feel such a sense of regret and remorse. Why? Because I could have been there. I could have been part of what was happening. If only I didn't choose to avoid and hide. I would have been in that picture. I would have spent time with that person. It was always that thing I just missed. That 'I so should have been there' moment.

It's more of a 'I knew I should have met up with them when I was in that country' kind of remorse. I guess I'm still not used to the whole globe trotting thing and bumping into friends randomly, (which I did :D) I guess I am still a firm believer in serendipity, and in some respects, fate. If we were all meant to meet up at some point, we would have. I suppose now, I will learn to plan better.

I guess it's a tradeoff at some point, either I spend time with my family OR my friends. But I guess I would like to try something new now. This has to be one of my resolutions for 2008.

Having said that, I hope my next trip, I get to meet up with all of my friends, finally do something crazy for New Year's, take more crazy, random photos. And create even more memories :D

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