Monday, June 30, 2008


Soo... It's mid-2008. How time flies. Upon completing one more semester at uni, I think I just had an epiphany/disappointment, depending on how you look at it.

About the epiphany, HAH... uni doesn't prepare you for real life. I repeat DOES NOT prepare you for real life. When I think of all the fees that I have paid so far, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Usually, it's a mixture of both plus the usual ache when you have to spend money when you don't really want to. I could have bought my own yacht by now. A YACHT! So, here's an interesting conversation that went down:

Me: Uni's a waste of money. I don't freaking believe it prepares us at all for real life. I mean what happens next? We get a job? Then that's it? What's all the hype about then?huh? HUH? I could have bought a freaking yacht by now.

Friend: umm.. well... we go to uni so we can get a degree which gets us a job which pays for stuff. it's called a degree. Why would you want a yacht anyway? You don't even sail.

Me: That's not the point.

Friend: But seriously. A yacht?

Me: What's wrong with a yacht? *glares*

Friend: The yacht doesn't do anything. You wouldn't know what to do with it.

Me: It's not supposed to do anything. It's just supposed to be there. As opposed to wasting all
my time here, learning nothing and PAYING for it. I could own something. Like a yacht.

Friend: It doesn't make sense.

Me: It's not supposed to. I'm speaking 'metaphorically' ok. fine. how about a house? wait... no,
travel. I could have travelled. gahhhh.... just let me HAVE MY YACHT...

Friend: ok, fine, but I'm just saying...uni does get you a job

Me: I don't want a job. I want a freaking yacht.

And I still haven't reached a conclusion what kind of role uni plays in my life. It takes up alot of it at the moment, that's about as much as I know. And omg... is it stressful. Like "omg I hate my major but it's too late to change" stressful :'(

Now speaking of disappointments, when I think of all the money I paid. Especially that example they constantly throw at us about how each lecture costs approximately $15, and I sit there staring at my advanced microeconomics lecturer, and the $30 I paid to be there, and I can promise you that nothing has ever felt more painful, because for the accumulated $585 that I paid for the lectures ALONE. I got absolutely nothing. Except crap notes, no coursebook and a whole lot of confusion. AND ABSOLUTELY NO LINK TO REAL LIFE! THIS DOESN'T APPLY! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

All that money.... *sobs* :'(

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