Friday, January 14, 2005


I have a space on? in? this world wide web, finally, and I have Nothing to put on it...Either wat I write, I feel is better left unpublished or just sounds plain stupid...but it wouldn't make any difference anyway because nobody is reading this. And if you are, then you are person number 2. (apart from me, that is).
My secrets:
1. Great fear of heights, yet because i had to paint my window, i have had to climb ladders and just thinking about palms are starting to sweat. Hate HEIGHTS, be it 7 feet or a 100. Just can't stand it.

2. I want to be known as an individual. That person that everybody likes. That is the coolest and does not conform to the system.

Not very interesting so far...

3. I like feeling numb. Because then I feel nothing. And when i let myself feel, i feel too much. Bleed for everything.

How about a little of who i am:

clue #1: A teenager, almost sixteen, almost.

clue #2: I am doing this because i have this need to be noticed, attention-seeking but then again, you don't know who GirlX is, so that defeats the purpose.

clue #3: NZ.

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